Whoa last update dates 22/10, need to fix that! As you can see, last couple years have been busy. Extensively toured, worked at some huge festivals, met a ton of people all around Europe and recorded some cool albums (expect new killer releases from Il Ponte Del Diavolo and Gotho later this year).
2024 is gonna be different, seeing me focusing more into studio jobs. Live shows are fun, but I feel the studio is my ideal environment. Last year I also updated the core of my studio, due to a computer upgrade I had to replace my old Motu 828 so I switched to a RME UfxII. It made a huge difference, both in ad/da conversion and in the number of physical inputs available, bringing it to 28 channels. Can’t wait to properly stress it out with some new productions 🙂

To a new year filled with satisfaction, cheers!