In two days 2018 will kick in, so I take the chance to turn back and look at what happened this year. It’s been a strange year, I coped with some personal problems but had some incredible satisfactions on work aswell.
I had some incredible experiences doing sounds live, probably peaking in sharing the stage with Converge at Arc’Tan’Gent and doing live sounds for Justin Broadrick himself at Varvara (did both things in less than a week!). Plus, touring with Hierophant and Zatokrev is something which enriched my experience baggage a lot, in managing both big stages and super punk venues with no stage and broken PA. 
I’m also really happy about the records I worked on which have been released this year, all seven of them represented something new for me in a way or another. I must confess that seeing LaColpa’s Mea Maxima Culpa ranking #7 at Cvlt Nation’s top sludge albums of the year was beyond any expectation, but also seeing the albums by Omega Machine and Buioingola in many italian charts made me really happy.

So let’s wait for 2018, I bet you will hear about the new Tons album!