The new year started undoubtly well.

First of all, I’m now working as resident FOH at Blah Blah, one of Torino’s nicest and most respected venues. In less than one month I already worked for Arrington De Dionyso (Old Time Relijun) and Geoff Farina (Karate), that’s pretty cool!

Then, on January 24th Last Minute To Jaffna’s Volume III has been finally released. It’s the first record I wrote/played/recorded/mixed, so I’m particularly proud of it! As usual, the mighty Lorenzo Stecconi mastered it.
Here you can hear Chapter V, the opening track. Fabrizio Modonese Palumbo, known for his work with Larsen, Almagest!, ®, XXL, Blind Cave Salamander etc, played his electric viola on this track.